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Giving back this Christmas: Siecap supports Foodbank

The Siecap team is proud to announce we will be supporting the Foodbank charity this year by donating and attending the annual Foodbank Christmas hamper packing day.

On Friday 6 December members of the Siecap office, together with other members of the public and businesses, will be volunteering and aim to pack over 10,000 hampers to help feed Queensland families.

Siecap CEO David Irvine was pleased to acknowledge that Siecap staff were eager to contribute both time and money to such a great initiative.

“For most, Christmas is a time of celebration, family, friends and gift giving. For more than 200,000 Queenslanders though, the reality will be very different this Christmas”.

“The team are looking forward to supporting Foodbank and helping pack the hampers for distribution to those in need during the holiday season”.

Foodbank is Australia’s largest food relief organisation, operating on a scale that makes it crucial to the work of the front-line charities who are feeding vulnerable Australians. Foodbank provides more than 70% of the food rescued for food relief organisations nation-wide.

Foodbank not only plays a lead role in fighting hunger, but also a vitally important role in tackling Australia’s $20 billion food waste problem and helping the environment.

To donate or attend the Foodbank Christmas hamper packing day, please click here for more information.

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